Subido por ESLToronto en 19/12/2007 for more
Schoolhouse Rock - Grammar Rock
Unpack Your Adjectives
Music & Lyrics: George R. Newall
Sung by: Blossom Dearie
Animation: Phil Kimmelman and Associates
Got home from camping last spring.
Saw people, places and things.
We barely had arrived,
Friends asked us to describe
The people, places and every last thing.
So we unpacked our adjectives.
I unpacked "frustrating" first.
Reached in and found the word "worst".
Then I picked "soggy" and
Next I picked "foggy" and
Then I was ready to tell them my tale.
'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives.
Adjectives are words you use to really describe things,
Handy words to carry around.
Days are sunny or they're rainy
Boys are dumb or else they're brainy
Adjectives can show you which way.
Adjectives are often used to help us compare things,
To say how thin, how fat, how short, how tall.
Girls who are tall can get taller,
Boys who are small can get smaller,
Till one is the tallest
And the other's the smallest of all.
We hiked along without care.
Then we ran into a bear.
He was a hairy bear,
He was a scary bear,
We beat a hasty retreat from his lair.
And described him with adjectives.
}} {Whoah! Boy, that was one big, ugly bear!}
{You can even make adjectives out of the other parts of speech, like
verbs or nouns. All you have to do is tack on an ending, like "ic"
or "ish" or "ary". For example, this boy can grow up to be a huge
man, but still have a boyish face. "Boy" is a noun, but the ending
"ish" makes it an adjective. "Boyish": that describes the huge
man's face. Get it?}
Next time you go on a trip,
Remember this little tip:
The minute you get back,
They'll ask you this and that,
You can describe people, places and things...
Simply unpack your adjectives.
You can do it with adjectives.
Tell them 'bout it with adjectives.
You can shout it with adjectives.
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Como formar adjetivosTransforma los siguientes verbos en adjetivos
-ABLE able, can do capaz de, poder hacer
Example: agree = agreeable
expand ____expandable
laugh ______ laughable
-IBLE able, can do capaz de, poder hacer
Example: access = accessible
sense ____sensible
flex _____flexible
-ANT performing agent que tiene la función de
Example: please = pleasant
ignore ____ ignorant
resist _____ resistant
-ENT performing agent que tiene la función de
Example: excel = excellent
depend _____ dependent
differ ______ different
-IVE causing effect que causa el efecto de
Example: attract = attractive
create ____ creative
select _____selective
-ING causing effect que causa el efecto de
Example: amuse= amusing
excite _____ exciting
surprise ______surprising
-ED receiving effect que recibe el efecto de
Example: amuse = amused
excite ______ excited
surprise _____surprised
Transforma los siguientes sustantivos en adjetivos
-AL relating to relacionado con
Examples: accident = accidental, brute = brutal
region _____regional
universe _____universal
person ______ personal
-ARY relating to quality or place relacionado a la cualidad o al lugar
Example: moment = momentary
honor ____ honorary
diet ______ dietary
-FUL full of lleno de
Example: beauty = beautiful, awe = awful
wonder _____ wonderful
skill _____ skillful
success _____successful
-IC having the nature of; caused by que tiene la naturaleza de ;causado por
Examples: athlete = athletic, base= basic, history = historic
photograph _______photographic
science ________ scientific
-ICAL having the nature of que tiene la naturaleza de
Examples: logic = logical, practice = practical
magic ____magical
history _____historical
statistic ____statistical
-ISH origin, nature origen, naturaleza
Example: fool = foolish
child ___ childish
self ____ selfish
-LESS without sin
Example: power = powerless
friend ____ friendless
home ____ homeless
-LIKE like parecido a ,similar a
Example: lady = ladylike
child ____ childlike
bird ___ birdlike
-LY like parecido a ,similar a
Example: day = daily
friend ____ friendly
month ____ monthly
-OUS quality, nature de calidad, de naturaleza
Example: danger = dangerous, victory = victorious
nerve _____ nervous
mystery_____ mysterious
-Y like que tiene la cualidad de, o una cualidad parecida a
Example: rain = rainy, fun= funny
dirt ___dirty
mess ____messy
1.- Se forman al romper la doble consonante dentro de una palabra
lit-tle, pret-ty
2.- Se debe aplicar la regla para adjetivos monosìlabos cuando se añade un sufijo
fun--una sìlaba
3.- Hay que aplicar la regla de las monosílabas cuando se añada el sufijo -er/ -est a los adjetivos monosilabos
small-er/small-est ( doble consonante--ll--)
clean-er/ clean-est(diptongo--ea--)
My house is big-ger than yours.........My school is the big-gest.
4.- Los prefijos forman una sìlaba
in..(.de significado opuesto ) innumerable
in..(como parte de una acciòn) insurance
un..(de significado opuesto) uncomfortable/unfair
5.-Sufijos que forman una sìlaba.
-y.. hair-y, cloud-y ---abundante en...hairy de cabello abundante, cloudy nublado(dià con nubes abundantes)
sufijos en español :-oso/osa/udo/ado--- baboso, testarudo, alocado.
-ous...dangerous(peligroso), -ous que se caracteriza por
terminaciones en español-oso, osa
-ful...wonderful(maravilloso), -ful lleno de
sufijos es español: oso, osa
-ly... friendly(amigable) -ly cualidad de
sufijos en español-oso, osa,able
-ing...interesting (interesante) -ing cualidad de
sufijos en español -ante
-en...golden(dorado) -en, los adjetivos que finalizan con -en, denotan sustancia, o apariencia
sufijos en español -ado, ada
6.- Algunas reglas ùtiles
a) si la palabra terminan en doble consonante, añada -er
small + er = smaller
b) si la palaba termina en -e, añada una -r.
close + r = closer
nice + r = nicer
c) si la palabra termina en -y, y esta antecede a una consonante, cambie la -y, por una-i y añada-er.
pretty = prett - y + i + er = prettier