Libros inglés-inglés para niños principiantes

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Bring out

1.- I've just brought out a little book on Dovstoevski.
Colin Bradbury has now brought out a second album.

2.- These dreadful circustances bring out the worst inabsolutely everybody.
He brings out the animal in me.

3.- The effect is to bring out all sorts of things in the poetry,
In both works, Guillini brings out a sort of serenity.

4.- It's really brought him out, and its done him the world of good.

5.- Strawberries bring me out in blotches.

6.- Then even brought out a few English words,...It's so tyical"
Etta at last
brought out.

Break off

1.-When part of something breaks off or when you break it off, this part of the main object is removed by being broken.

Peter broke off another piece of bread and chewed at it.
I broke a branch off and stabbed at the ground with it.
A little bit has broken off the left hand corner.

2.- If you break off when you are doing or saying something, you suddenly stop doing or saying it.
He would break off the rehersal...I though - he broke off, then smiled"Sorry, not my business".

3.- If you break off a relationship or agreement with someone, you end it.
Men seem to be more skilled at breaking off relationships than women.

I've broken off my engagement.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Past participles / Participios pasados,amazed = asombrado(a),shocked=perturbado(a),surprised=sorprendido(a),etc y una imagen interactiva de un rostro

A estos past participles / participios pasados, los empleamos para mencionar como nos sentimos.
amazed = asombrado(a)
annoyed= molesto(a)
bored = aburrido(a)
confused = confundido(a)
depressed = deprimido(a)
disappointed = desilusionado(a)
discouraged = desalentado(a)
disgusted =enfadado (a) , fastidiado(a), asqueado(a)
embarrassed= avergonzado(a),
excited = emocionado(a),entusiasmado(a)
fascinated = fascinado(a), frightened = espantado(a)
frustrated = frustrado(a)
interested = interesado(a)
relaxed = relajado(a)
scared = asustado(a)
shocked = perturbador(a)
surprised = sorprendido(a)
satisfied = satisfecho(a)
wretched = miserable , desgraciado(a) interactiva con gestos y expresiones

Devices domestic appliances (divaices domèstic aplians)= Aparatos electrodomésticos

air conditioner = aire acondicionado
blender = licuadora
digital camera = camara digital
dishwasher = máquina lavaplatos
dryer = secadora de ropa
dvd = reproductor de video digital
fan = ventilador
hairdryer = secadora de pelo
heater = calefactor
iron = plancha
microwave oven = horno de microondas
oven = horno
stove = estufa
refrigerator = refrigerador
vacuum cleaner = aspiradora
washer= lavadora

Equipments office( equipmemts ofis) = Equipos de oficina

computer = computadora
correction fluid = corrector liquido
desk = escritorio
fax machine = fax
glue = egamento blanco
ink pad = cojin de tinta
laser printer = impresora laser
MP4 = reproductor de audio, video y fotografia
mouse = raton de computadora
paper clip = clip
paper cutter = guillotina
plastic binding machine = enmicadora
photocopier= fotocopiadora
rube stamp = sello
staples = grapas
stapler = engrapadora
telephone = telefono
tape dispenser = dispensador de diurex
usb memory = memoria usb
whiteboard = pizarron blanco

Tools( tuls) = Herramientas

chinsel= cincel
electric drill = taladro eléctrico
grass cutter= cortadora de césped
hammer = martillo
hatchet = hacha
hoe = azadon
hydraulic trolley Jack = gato hidráulico
nut = tuerca
paint brush = brocha
pliers = pinza
sand paper = papel lija
saw = serrucho
scraper = rascador
screwdriver = destornillador
shovel = pala
tile cutting machine = cortadora de azulejo
tool box = máquina de herramientas
trowel = paleta
wire = alambre
wrench = llave inglesa