Libros inglés-inglés para niños principiantes

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


superlatives from erhan ergenler on Vimeo.

¿Cómo se formula el adjetivo de grado superlativo?

R= Debes seguir las mismas reglas que para el grado comparativo, lo único que cambia el sufijo, el sufijo debes usar en este caso es el siguiente: –est, y tienes que colocar the antes del superlativo.
a) Adjetivos de una sílaba que terminan en “consonante”
(cheap, clean, dark, light, long, neat, plain, short, slow, small, sweet)
Aagregar –est al adjetivo: cheap +est = cheapest
Long- longest
This is the longest river in the world.
b) Adjetivos de una sílaba formados por:
consonante(c ) + vocal(v)+ consonante (c)
( big, thin, fat, hot )
Repite la consonante final y añade -est.
Big+ g + est = Biggest
Hot hottest
This is the hottest day in the year.
c) Adjetivos de dos sílabas que terminan con “y”
(Happy, crazy, funny, lonely, lovely, lazy, noisy)
Elimina la “y”, y añade iest: pretty – y = prett + iest= prettiest
Juana is the prettiest girl in town.
Easy-the easiest
This was the easiest exam in this week.
Alfonso is the nicest teacher I have ever had.
e) Adjetivos de una sílaba que terminan en “e”
(nice, fine, loose)
Añade –r al adjetivo:
nice+ st= nicest
Alfonso is the nicest teacher I have ever had.
Nice- the nicest
f) Adjetivos de tres sílabas o más
Coloque “the most” antes del adjetivo
You are the most intelligent man in my city.
(capable, careful, decent, difficult, expensive, famous, important, jealous, modest, patient, popular, ridiculous, wonderful)
The most expensive
You are the most intelligent man in the city.
g) Algunos adjetivos irregulares
(bad, good, many, little, far)
Convierta el adjetivo al superlativo así:
Bad en worst, good en the best, many en the most, little en the least, far en furthest o farthest
y a old en oldest o eldest
a)oldest se usa para lugares
b)eldest se usa para personas
Sebastian is the eldest uncle in my alive family.
Good –the best
b) Para hacer la forma negativa del superlativo: coloca the least antes del adjetivo
This hotel is the least cheap in the city.
¡Ahora vas a practicar¡
Instrucción para el alumno: Añade –est a la palabra entre paréntesis y coloca el articulo “the” antes del sustantivo.Ejemplo:
My room is very dark, the living room is darker than my room but the kitchen is (dark) the darkest place in my house.
1) Aida is short, Sandra is shorter than Aida but Lucy is (short) the shortest of all.
2) This hotel is (cheap) the cheapest of all in the city.
3) It was (happy) the happiest day of my life.
4) Everest is (high) the highest mountain in the world.
Instrucción para el alumno: Añade the most antes de los adjetivos de tres sílabas
1) I had a great holiday. It was one of (enjoyable) the most enjoyable holidays I’ve ever had.
2) I prefer this chair to the other one. It`s (comfortable) the most comfortable chair in the classroom.
3) What is (popular) the most popular sport in your country?
Instrucción para el alumno: Añade el artículo” the” mas la forma irregular del adjetivo, best, worst, farthest.
1) This is (good) the best coffee I`ve ever tried.
2) It was an awful day. It was (bad) the worst day of my life.
3) Peter saw Guillermina in China (far) the farthest place he never thought to find her.